too ~ for ~ to ⇔ so ~ that ~ can't 構文の書き換え(演習6)

6. 次の各文の適当なところにスラッシュを入れ、[  ]内の指示に従って答えなさい。

(1) It is quite possible for him to master English in a few years.[和訳]
(2) It is too good an opportunity to miss.(opportunity「機会」)[和訳]
(3) He was too fat to get through the door.
= He was so fat that he can't get through the door.
(4) The book was so difficult that I couldn't read it through.
= The book was too difficult for (    )(    ) read throught.
(5) Is it usual for him to be late?[和訳]
(6) The book was so difficult that I (    ) through.
1. can't read / 2. couldnt't read / 3. can't read it / 4. couldn't read it
(7) 「その本はとても高かったので彼女は買うことが出来なかった」(「高い」expensive)[2文で英作]


(1) possible ⇔ impossible
(a few「2・3の」)
(3) He was too fat to get through the door.
to getの時制は主節動詞のwasに注目します。
(4) The book was so difficult that I couldn't read it through.
= The book was too difficult for me to read through.

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