8. [ ]内の指示に従って答えなさい。
(1) | A day (have) twenty-four hours. | [適語変形] |
(2) | MY daughter (wash) her hair every morning. | [適語変形] |
(3) | He (leave) home a few minutes ago. | [適語変形] |
(4) | They did not play then. | [過去進行形の文に] |
(5) | When (was / did / had) World War ? break out? | [適語選択] |
(6) | This car is belonging to my brother. | [誤文訂正] |
(7) | People in those days didn't believe the earth went around the sun. | [誤文訂正] |
(1) | 「1日は24時間持っている」=「1日は24時間である」[不変の真理] |
(3) | He left home a few minutes ago.「彼は2,3分前に家を出た」 ~ agoは単純形過去時制のシグナル |
(5) | When was ~ break out? / When had ~ break out? の形はありえない。 |