
3. 次の各文の適切な箇所にスラッシュ入れ、 例にならって和訳しなさい。

exI am very glad / to hear of your success.
私はとても嬉しい / あなたの成功を聞く⇒あなたの成功を聞いて(=to hear)
(1)Michael is easy to deceive.(deceive「だます」)
(2) Large houses are expensive to live in.
(3) The news of the earthquake was painful to listen to.
(4) Ann put on her coat not to catch cold.(catch cold「風邪を引く」)
(5) I am sorry to hear that your mother is sick in bed.(I am sorry「残念だ」)
(6) She must be pleased to know his success.
(7) What a fool you are to have expected her to help you!
(8) I told him not to do it by himself.(by oneself「一人で」)

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