
4. (  )内に適する語を選びなさい。

(1) I don't know when he (  ) next.
1. comes  2. will come
(2) I will give him my answer when he (  ) here tomorrow.
1. will come  2. shall come  3. comes
(3) We'll go for a swim if it (  ) fine tomorrow.
1. will be  2. is  3. was  4. were
(4) I will wait here until she (  ).
1. comes  2. came  3. will come  4. come
(5) She will call you back as soon as she (  ) her homework.
1. finished  2. finishes  3. will finish
(6) I will finish the book by the time he (  ) back.
1. will come  2. will be coming  3. comes  4. came

5. 次の各文の誤りを訂正しなさい。

(1)Let us start as soon as she will come back.
(2)When you will be all ready, we will start at once.(be ready「準備ができる」)
(3)I will lend you this magazine when I shall have read it.(whenever「~する時はいつでも」)
(4)You may visit me whenever it will suit you.(suit「都合がいい」)
(5)I don't know if it will rain tomorrow, but if it will rain, I shall not go.
(6)Rick will telephone you the moment he will come back.

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